Learn to love yourself: a self help book with cbt (PDF)

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Learn to love yourself is a self help book I made to help others with similar problems ive had. It is focused mostly on Cognitive Behavioral therapy, and focuses on everything from Addiction, self harm, depression, anxiety, anger management, and a slew of other issues somebody with mental illness may face in day to day life. Science suggests it takes 21 days to form a habit. So this book is made to be completed over a series of 30 days, each day having a short diary entry, an activity, and then the end of the day activity. It features a chart to help figure your mood out if you are unable to apply words to your feelings, and the entire book is in a font specifically created to help dyslexic people read easier, as well as the price being cheap so its hopefully accessible to everybody who may need it. This 100+ page book is made by a mentally ill person, for mentally ill people. I hope you enjoy!


. CBT is able to be done alone, without the help of a professional. So i took what I knew and applied it here, but this is still not a replacement for real therapy, and I can't guarantee results. Its just what worked for me. 


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Learn to love yourself: a self help book with cbt (PDF)

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